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Galaxy workflows in Dockstore



last_modification Last modification: Jun 1, 2022

What is Dockstore?

Dockstore: “an app store for bioinformatics”




.image-60[ Structure of Dockstore ]


What is Dockstore?

Why use Dockstore?

Dockstore follows the FAIR Guiding Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).


Why use Dockstore?

Dockstore follows the FAIR Guiding Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).


Why use Dockstore?

Dockstore follows the FAIR Guiding Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).


Why use Dockstore?

Dockstore follows the FAIR Guiding Principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable).


How to find workflows on Dockstore?

How to find workflows on Dockstore?

You can find relevant workflows using the Faceted Search option:

Scan the code below or simply click on the link to be directed to the detailed documentation.

.left[.image-30[ Faceted Search QR]]

.right[ Faceted Search Screenshot]

Faceted Search

How to find workflows on Dockstore?

You can also find workflows through the Organizations/Collections feature:

Scan the code below or simply click on the link to be directed to the detailed documentation.

.left[.image-30[ Organizations/Collections QR]]

.right[ Organizations/Collections Screenshot]

Organizations and Collections

How to launch workflows from Dockstore?

You can use the Launch With feature to launch the workflow in your choice of environment:

Scan the code below or simply click on the link to be directed to the detailed documentation.

.left[.image-30[ Launch With QR]]

.right[ Launch With Screenshot]

Launch with Galaxy

How to launch workflows from within Galaxy?

You can use the GA4GH Tool Registry Server (TRS) Workflow Search using keywords in the description of the workflows on Dockstore. Alternatively, you can use the GA4GH Tool Registry Server (TRS) Workflow Import using the TRS ID from workflow description on Dockstore.

Launch From Galaxy Search Launch From Galaxy TRS ID

Getting started with Galaxy workflows on Dockstore?

Get started on writing and publishing Galaxy workflows, refer to the Getting Started with Galaxy doc.

Scan the code below or simply click on the link to be directed to the detailed documentation.

.left[.image-40[ Getting Started QR]]

.right[ Getting Started Screenshot]

Get Started with Galaxy

Register your Galaxy workflow on Dockstore

If you have a workflow you want to register, you can follow the Getting Started with Workflows doc.

Scan the code below or simply click on the link to be directed to the detailed documentation.

.left[.image-40[ Getting Started with Workflows QR]]

.right[ Getting Started with Workflows Screenshot]

Register your workflow on Dockstore

You can also watch the “How to launch Galaxy workflows from Dockstore” videos linked below:

How to launch Galaxy workflows from Dockstore - Part 1 (Using the default cloud environment options)

How to launch Galaxy workflows from Dockstore - Part 2 (Using custom cloud environment options)

Thank you!

This material is the result of a collaborative work. Thanks to the Galaxy Training Network and all the contributors! Galaxy Training Network This material is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.