Open a Terminal in Jupyter

This tutorial will let you accomplish almost everything from this view, running code in the cells below directly in the training material. You can choose between running the code here, or opening up a terminal tab in which to run it.Here are some instructions for how to do this on various environments.

Jupyter on UseGalaxy.* and

  1. Use the File → New → Terminal menu to launch a terminal.

    screenshot of jupyterlab showing the File menu expanded to show new and terminal option.

  2. Disable “Simple” mode in the bottom left hand corner, if it activated.

    screenshot of jupyterlab showing a toggle labelled simple

  3. Drag one of the terminal or notebook tabs to the side to have the training materials and terminal side-by-side

    screenshot of jupyterlab with notebook and terminal side-by-side.


  1. Use the Split View functionality of cocalc to split your view into two portions.

    screenshot of cocalc button to split views

  2. Change the view of one panel to a terminal

    screenshot of cocalc swapping view port to that of a terminal

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