Transfer entire histories from one Galaxy server to another

  1. Click on galaxy-gear in the history panel of the sender Galaxy server
  2. Click on Export to File
  3. Select either exporting history to a link or to a remote file
  4. Click on the link text to generate a new archive for the history if exporting to a link
  5. Wait for the link to generate
  6. Copy the link address or click on the generated link to download the history archive
  7. Click on User on the top menu of the receiver Galaxy server
  8. Click on Histories to view saved histories
  9. Click on Import history in the grey button on the top right
  10. Select the appropriate importing method based on the choices made in steps 3 and 6
    • Choose Export URL from another galaxy instance if link address was copied in step 6
    • Select Upload local file from your computer if history archive was downloaded in step 6
    • Choose Select a remote file if history was exported to a remote file in step 3
  11. Click the link text to check out your histories if import is successful

If history being transferred is too large, you may:

  1. Click on galaxy-gear in the history panel of the sender Galaxy server
  2. Click Copy Datasets to move just the important datasets into a new history
  3. Create the archive from that smaller history
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