Downloading datasets using command line

From the terminal window on your computer, you can use wget or curl.

  1. Make sure you have wget or curl installed.
  2. Click on the Dataset name, then click on the copy link icon galaxy-link. This is the direct-downloadable dataset link.
  3. Once you have the link, use any of the following commands:
    • For wget

      wget '<link>'
      wget -O '<link>'
      wget -O --no-check-certificate '<link>' # ignore SSL certificate warnings
      wget -c '<link>' # continue an interrupted download

    • For curl

      curl -o outfile '<link>'
      curl -o outfile --insecure '<link>' # ignore SSL certificate warnings
      curl -C - -o outfile '<link>' # continue an interrupted download

  4. For dataset collections and datasets within collections you have to supply your API key with the request
    • Sample commands for wget and curl respectively are:


      curl -o myfile.txt

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