Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy

  • Learn about the different types of automated tests in Galaxy

  • Learn to write API tests

  • Learn to write unit tests

  • Familiarity with basic Git commands
  • Basic knowledge of Python and JavaScript
  • Mac OS or Linux that can run Galaxy & your favorite IDE or editor
  • Development in Galaxy
Time estimation: 3 hours
Supporting Materials:
Last modification: Sep 28, 2022
License: Tutorial Content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License The GTN Framework is licensed under MIT
  1. Testing in Galaxy
  2. Local development environment setup
  3. API tests
    1. Basic API test
    2. Test creating a simple object
    3. A better test for creating a simple object
    4. Use Galaxy’s populators for setting up database state
  4. Unit tests
    1. Testing simple functions
    2. Verifying that an error is raised
    3. Using fixtures to reduce code duplication
    4. Parametrization of test functions
    5. Dealing with less trivial code
    6. Mocking a dependency
    7. Refactoring for testability
    8. “Monkeypatching” the module under test
    9. More refactoring
    10. More “monkeypatching”
    11. Utilizing the mocks to test the logic
    12. Reformatting for improved readability
    13. Adding the remaining tests

Testing in Galaxy

The Galaxy code base contains thousands of tests that include tests of different types (unit vs. functional vs. end-to-end; client vs. backend, etc.) that are supported by a variety of testing frameworks and libraries. In this tutorial, we will offer a small, yet representative sample of the types of tests you might write, as well as the concepts and issues you may need to be familiar with when writing tests for Galaxy code, whether as part of a new feature you are implementing, or as a standalone contribution to Galaxy’s testing code.

A good way to start learning about Galaxy’s testing infrastructure and how to use it is to read the documentation article on the different types of tests that are present in the code base as well as how to determine which type is most appropriate for a given scenario (see Writing Tests for Galaxy).

In addition to reading the documentation, it is essential to have a reasonable understanding of Galaxy’s code organization. The best documentation resource for that is the Galaxy Code Architecture slides. In addition, we recommend the Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core tutorial, which, among other things, combines some of the concepts from the architecture slides with the material covered in this tutorial.

The most detailed and up-to-date documentation on running Galaxy tests is located at the top of the run_tests.sh script in Galaxy’s root directory.

To run Galaxy tests, you may also use the pytest command directly (except for client tests, which provide their own infrastructure and scripts described in client/README.md. Using pytest directly is most convenient for running individual tests (although you might have to manually set the required environment variables for all but unit tests, as per documentation in run_tests.sh). However, keep in mind that the run_scripts.sh script optimizes the tests by reusing the same Galaxy instance and database for API tests, so running API tests in batch with pytest would be very inefficient.

Another useful resource is the Debugging Galaxy tutorial which contains a lot of useful information on how to debug test failures that occur both locally and remotely.

Finally, nothing can substitute studying Galaxy’s test code - we encourage you to always look for examples of similar tests and testing scenarios before you write your own.

Local development environment setup

To contribute to galaxy, a GitHub account is required. Changes are proposed via a pull request. This allows the project maintainers to review the changes and suggest improvements.

The general steps are as follows:

  1. Fork the Galaxy repository
  2. Clone your fork
  3. Make changes in a new branch
  4. Commit your changes, push branch to your fork
  5. Open a pull request for this branch in the upstream Galaxy repository
Git, Github, and Galaxy Core

For a lot more information about Git branching and managing a repository on Github, see the Contributing with GitHub via command-line tutorial.

The Galaxy Core Architecture slides have a lot of important Galaxy core-related information related to branches, project management, and contributing to Galaxy - under the Project Management section of the slides.

Hands-on: Setup your local Galaxy instance
  1. Use GitHub UI to fork Galaxy’s repository at galaxyproject/galaxy.
  2. Clone your forked repository to a local path, further referred to as GALAXY_ROOT and cd into GALAXY_ROOT. Note that we specify the tutorial branch with the -b option:

    Input: Bash
    git clone https://github.com/<your-username>/galaxy GALAXY_ROOT
  3. Before we can use Galaxy, we need to create a virtual environment and install the required dependencies. This is generally done with the common_startup.sh script:

    Input: Bash
    bash scripts/common_startup.sh --dev-wheels

    Make sure your Python version is at least 3.7 (you can check your Python version with python --version). If your system uses an older version, you may specify an alternative Python interpreter using the GALAXY_PYTHON environment variable (GALAXY_PYTHON=/path/to/alt/python bash scripts/common_startup.sh --dev-wheels).

  4. Activate your new virtual environment:

    Input: Bash
    . .venv/bin/activate

    Once activated, you’ll see the name of the virtual environment prepended to your shell prompt: (.venv)$.

  5. Finally, let’s create a new branch for your edits:

    Input: Bash
    git checkout -b my-training

    Now when you run git branch you’ll see that your new branch is activated:

    Input: Bash
    git branch
    * my-training

    Note: my-training is just an example; you can call your new branch anything you like.

API tests

We turn to API tests when we need to test some feature that requires a running Galaxy instance and, in many cases, the Galaxy database. These tests use the Galaxy API to drive the test.

In a way, these tests may be the simplest to write. While the required setup of an API test is, certainly, more involved than that of a basic unit test, Galaxy’s testing infrastructure takes care of all the heavy lifting, such as creating a test database, configuring and starting up a Galaxy instance, and tearing down the setup upon test completion. The testing infrastructure also provides a wealth of convenient abstractions that simplify pre-populating the database with the necessary state for each test, interacting with the API, as well as expressing expectations about the outcomes of a test. Thus, writing an API test boils down to calling the appropriate API endpoint and verifying the result.

We are not developing any new features in this tutorial (check out the Contributing a New Feature to Galaxy Core tutorial). However, we need to exercise the API, so we will be using existing Galaxy functionality as our testing context. Much of that functionality is already covered by tests. Existing tests may include advanced concepts or details on Galaxy’s internals that are beyond the scope of a tutorial on testing, so they are not optimal as examples for training. Therefore, the approach we will use is as follows:

  1. Pick a controller foo in the lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api directory.
  2. Pick one of the existing endpoints from the selected controller. If the endpoint represents a GET request (e.g. @router.get("/api/foos), you may be able to view the results on a running instance at [host]/api/foos
  3. Write a new test to verify the specified functionality.

Ideally, we’d like to follow the process of test-driven development: write a test, run it and watch it fail, implement the functionality under test, rerun the test to verify it passes. Although we are not developing any new functionality here, we still would like to verify that the test we have written is a legitimate test of the correctness of the underlying code. In other words, we want it to be deterministic, and fail if the input is invalid. For this, you may want to intentionally break the test on its first run to verify it doesn’t pass under any condition. Then fix the test and rerun. Although this doesn’t guarantee correctness, it helps prevent obvious errors in the testing code (such as forgetting to edit the endpoint after cutting and pasting code from a similar test function.

Basic API test

Let’s start by writing a basic test for a very simple API endpoint: api/version. The controller for this endpoint is located at lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/configuration.py. You can check the format of the data at https://usegalaxy.org/api/version.

First, you need to create a new file at lib/galaxy_test/api/test_mytutorial.py. For simplicity, we’ll place all new tests in this module. Next, add a class definition for MyTutorialApiTestCase that should be a subclass of ApiTestCase. Then add a test method, test_version_is_current, where you will (1) call the API via the _get method that returns a response object; and (2) verify that the response contains the “22.09” version number (assuming you have cloned the “dev” branch; otherwise your version may be different).

If your test fails, one way to debug it is to insert a breakpoint() statement into the body of the test (right after the call to _get would be a logical spot), and then use pdb, Python’s interactive debugger, to explore the response at runtime with the test paused (see Debugging Galaxy for more details on using pdb to debug Galaxy).

Example of a basic API test.

from ._framework import ApiTestCase

class MyTutorialApiTestCase(ApiTestCase):

    def test_version_is_current(self):
        response = self._get("version")
        data = response.json()
        assert data["version_major"] == "22.09"  # Assuming you are on the "dev" branch

You may notice that in the provided solution we also call response.raise_for_status(): this is a requests library function that verifies that the request was successful (of course, we can also explicitly check the status code). It is helpful to include this check, because otherwise, if an error is raised, the error message in the error log will be not as helpful. Try using a nonextistant endpoint and running the test with and without the raise_for_status call. Compare these error messages:

With the status check:

  • requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 404 Client Error: Not Found for url:

Without the status check:

  • requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

Test creating a simple object

Now let’s write an API test for adding a simple object. By “simple”, we mean that this object does not depend on any other objects, so, for example, we don’t need to provide a reference to a History or User object to create it. We will be creating a role, using the api/roles POST endpoint located at lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/roles.py.

To create a role, we need to call the _post method, passing it 4 arguments:

  • the string value of the endpoint
  • the payload containing the data for the new Role object
  • a boolean argument setting the format of the payload data: json=True
  • a boolean argument setting the test user’s admin status: admin=True

How do we know what data to include in the payload? Look at the method signature in the API:

self, trans: ProvidesUserContext = DependsOnTrans, role_definition_model: RoleDefinitionModel = Body(...)

RoleDefinitionModel is the Pydantic model that describes the structure of the data passed with this argument. Looking at its definition (check the import statement at the top of the file to find its location), we see the following:

class RoleDefinitionModel(BaseModel):
    name: str = RoleNameField
    description: str = RoleDescriptionField
    user_ids: Optional[List[EncodedDatabaseIdField]] = Field(title="User IDs", default=[])
    group_ids: Optional[List[EncodedDatabaseIdField]] = Field(title="Group IDs", default=[])

Thus, we need to provide a name and a description, both of which are string values (the other members are optional), formatted as JSON. (For more details on how the API works, see FastAPI’s excellent documentation.)

The response will return the Role object, so testing it is straightforward.

API test for creating an object.

class MyTutorialApiTestCase(ApiTestCase):

    def test_create_role(self):
        # prepare new role
        name = "cool role"
        description = "description of this cool role"
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "description": description,
        # add new role and verify
        response = self._post("roles", payload, admin=True, json=True)
        role = response.json()
        assert role["name"] == name
        assert role["description"] == description

A better test for creating a simple object

Can we do better? We can verify that the new object has been added by using another endpoint to retrieve that object from the database. Here’s a first take:

def test_create_role_WRONG(self):
    ROLE_COUNT = 1
    # verify no roles except one built-in role for test user
    response = self._get("roles")
    data = response.json()
    assert len(data) == ROLE_COUNT

    # create role
    name = 'my cool name'
    description = 'description of this cool role'
    payload = {
        "name": name,
        "description": description,
    response = self._post("roles", payload, admin=True, json=True)
    role = response.json()
    assert role["name"] == name
    assert role["description"] == description

    # verify role has been added
    response = self._get("roles")
    data = response.json()
    assert len(data) == ROLE_COUNT + 1

Everything is straightforward: we verify that there is only n=1 role currently present (a built-in for the test user), we add the role, then retrieve all roles and verify that the new total is n + 1. Unfortunately, this is the wrong approach. Try running this together with the previous version of the test - you’ll get an assertion error: there’s an extra role in the database!

FAILED lib/galaxy_test/api/test_mytutorial.py::MyTutorialApiTestCase::test_create_role_WRONG - AssertionError: assert 2 == 1

The reason for that is that we are using the same database for both tests, so whatever artifacts are created in one test will affect the following test if we make any kind of assumptions about the state of the database.

How do we rewrite this test without making assumptions about database state? We can’t retrieve the roles and use their initial quantity as our baseline: that’s a perfect recipe for a race condition (if some other test creates a role after we have counted the existing roles but before we have created our new role, our test will fail). Instead, we can use the role’s name (which is unique across all roles) to verify that our object has been added.

We could generate our own unique name, but we can also simply use an existing method used across Galaxy’s tests: get_random_name() (we need to add an import and override the setUp method for that: see the solution code). Now we have a test we can safely run together with our old test (or with any number of other tests that create role objects).

Alternative test for creating an object. Note the setUp method and the new import.

from galaxy_test.base.populators import DatasetPopulator
from ._framework import ApiTestCase

class MyTutorialApiTestCase(ApiTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dataset_populator = DatasetPopulator(self.galaxy_interactor)

# [code omitted]

    def test_create_role2(self):
        # prepare new role
        name = self.dataset_populator.get_random_name()
        description = 'description of this cool role'
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "description": description,

        # verify new role does not exist
        response = self._get("roles")
        data = response.json()
        assert not any(role["name"] == name for role in data)

        # add new role
        response = self._post("roles", payload, admin=True, json=True)
        role = response.json()
        assert role["name"] == name
        assert role["description"] == description

        # verify role has been added
        response = self._get("roles")
        data = response.json()
        assert any(role["name"] == name for role in data)

Can’t we destroy and create or re-populate the database for each test? We can, and if you absolutely need to do that, there is infrastructure for that in test/unit/data/model/testing_utils - you can see examples of its usage in the mapping and migrations unit tests (check these subdirectories). However, setting up and initializing the database is an expensive operation, which will be noticeable for a single test; Galaxy has hundreds of tests that rely on the database, so providing a fresh copy of the database for each test function is infeasible.

Use Galaxy’s populators for setting up database state

As our last example, we’ll look at how to take advantage of some of the many abstractions provided by Galaxy’s testing infrastructure. Supposing you’d like to test the “datasets-filter-by-history” functionality exposed via the api/datasets endpoint (see lib/galaxy/webapps/galaxy/api/datasets.py). The test design is straightforward:

  • Create 2 history objects h1 and h2.
  • Create n and m datasets associated with h1 and h2 respectively.
  • Retrieve datasets filtering by h1. Verify there are n results.
  • Retrieve datasets filtering by h2. Verify there are m results.

The question is, how do we create the datasets and the histories (and all their respective dependencies?). One way would be to use the API for each such object. However, that would result in a barely readable test function which would mostly consist of setup code. Instead, we want our tests to be simple and understandable at a glance, and contain as little infrastructure code as possible. Enter dataset populators! This is one of many abstractions available to you that make it much easier to write tests that otherwise would have required nontrivial setup.

Using populators.

    def test_search_dataset_by_history(self):
        self.history1_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history()
        self.history2_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history()

        history1_datasets, history2_datasets = 2, 3
        for _ in range(history1_datasets):
        for _ in range(history2_datasets):

        payload = { "history_id": self.history1_id, }
        response = self._get("datasets", payload).json()
        assert len(response) == history1_datasets

        payload = { "history_id": self.history2_id, }
        response = self._get("datasets", payload).json()
        assert len(response) == history2_datasets

Populators are used extensively throughout API tests as well as integration and Selenium tests to both setup database state, as well as access information from the Galaxy server. For more details, see the populators module at lib/galaxy_test/base/populators.py.

And we are done! Here’s the final version of the code we added to this testing module.

Final code.

from galaxy_test.base.populators import DatasetPopulator
from ._framework import ApiTestCase

class MyTutorialApiTestCase(ApiTestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        self.dataset_populator = DatasetPopulator(self.galaxy_interactor)

    def test_version_is_current(self):
        response = self._get("version")
        data = response.json()
        assert data["version_major"] == "22.09"

    def test_create_role(self):
        # prepare new role
        name = self.dataset_populator.get_random_name()
        description = 'description of this cool role'
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "description": description,
        # add new role and verify
        response = self._post("roles", payload, admin=True, json=True)
        role = response.json()
        assert role["name"] == name
        assert role["description"] == description

    def test_create_role2(self):
        # prepare new role
        name = self.dataset_populator.get_random_name()
        description = 'description of this cool role'
        payload = {
            "name": name,
            "description": description,

        # verify new role does not exist
        response = self._get("roles")
        data = response.json()
        assert not any(role["name"] == name for role in data)

        # add new role
        response = self._post("roles", payload, admin=True, json=True)
        role = response.json()
        assert role["name"] == name
        assert role["description"] == description

        # verify role has been added
        response = self._get("roles")
        data = response.json()
        assert any(role["name"] == name for role in data)

    def test_search_dataset_by_history(self):
        self.history1_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history()
        self.history2_id = self.dataset_populator.new_history()

        history1_datasets, history2_datasets = 2, 3
        for _ in range(history1_datasets):
        for _ in range(history2_datasets):

        payload = { "history_id": self.history1_id, }
        response = self._get("datasets", payload).json()
        assert len(response) == history1_datasets

        payload = { "history_id": self.history2_id, }
        response = self._get("datasets", payload).json()
        assert len(response) == history2_datasets

Unit tests

Unit tests are best suited for testing well-defined, isolated functionality and, with rare exceptions, should not require a running Galaxy instance, a database, or any other external infrastructure. Unit tests are located in the test/unit directory.

There are numerous unit tests in the Galaxy code base. However, existing unit tests do not cover the entire code base and do not verify all the relevant logic (so there is plenty of space for improvement, and new contributions are always welcome!) In this tutorial, we will be writing unit tests for such code.

Testing simple functions

We’ll start by looking at the module lib/galaxy/util/bytesize.py. This module is not covered by unit tests. There are 2 obvious targets for unit tests: the parse bytesize function and the to_unit method of the ByteSize class. Our goal is to come up with a reasonable selection of unit tests that verify essential aspects of this functionality.

We’ll start with the parse_bytesize function. Look at the code of the function and identify the logic that, you think, needs testing. Essentially, you want to ensure that any combination of valid input produces the expected output. Next, add a few tests. (see https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/assert.html for examples)

Example of tests for the parse_bytesize function:

from galaxy.util.bytesize import ByteSize, parse_bytesize

def test_parse_bytesize_int_or_float():
    assert parse_bytesize(42) == 42
    assert parse_bytesize(42.5) == 42.5

def test_parse_bytesize_str_no_suffix():
    assert parse_bytesize('42') == 42
    assert parse_bytesize('42.5') == 42.5

def test_parse_bytesize_str_suffix():
    assert parse_bytesize('10K') == 10000
    assert parse_bytesize('10 KI') == 10240

Run the tests to verify they pass. You can use the pytest command:

Input: Bash
pytest test/unit/util/test_bytesize.py

Verifying that an error is raised

Now let’s add a test that verifies that invalid input raises an error, as expected.

Example of a test verifying a raised exception. Make sure you add the pytest import.

import pytest

# [code omitted]

def test_parse_bytesize_str_invalid():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        parse_bytesize('10 invalid-suffix')
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

Run the tests to verify they pass.

Using fixtures to reduce code duplication

Let’s move on to the to_unit method of the ByteSizeclass. Just like you did for the previous function, add a few tests that verify that valid input produces expected output, and invalid input raises an error.

Example of tests for the ByteSize.to_unit method:

def test_bytesize_to_unit():
    bytesize = ByteSize(1_000_000_000_000_000)
    assert bytesize.to_unit('k') == '1000000000000K'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('m') == '1000000000M'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('g') == '1000000G'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('t') == '1000T'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('p') == '1P'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('e') == '0E'

    assert bytesize.to_unit('ki') == '976562500000KI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('mi') == '953674316MI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('gi') == '931322GI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('ti') == '909TI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('pi') == '0PI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('ei') == '0EI'

    assert bytesize.to_unit() == '1000000000000000'  # no unit
    assert bytesize.to_unit('K') == '1000000000000K'  # uppercase unit

def test_bytesize_to_unit_as_str():
    bytesize = ByteSize(1_000_000_000_000_000)
    assert bytesize.to_unit('k', as_string=False) == 1000000000000  # not to_string

def test_bytesize_to_unit_invalid():
    bytesize = ByteSize(1_000_000_000_000_000)
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

Run the tests to verify they pass.

Our tests are looking good for the most part, although code duplication is starting to creep in. It’s time to refactor!

Let’s start by factoring out the ByteSize object creation into a fixture (see https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/fixtures.html). In this particular case moving this code into a fixture might be unnecessary, however, it provides an example of an approach that is very useful in more complex scenarios and is heavily used in Galaxy’s testing code.

Factoring out code into a fixture: we declare a fixture using pytest’s built-in fixture decorator, and then simply pass it as an argument to our tests.

def bytesize():
    return ByteSize(1_000_000_000_000_000)

def test_bytesize_to_unit(bytesize):
    assert bytesize.to_unit('k') == '1000000000000K'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('m') == '1000000000M'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('g') == '1000000G'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('t') == '1000T'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('p') == '1P'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('e') == '0E'

    assert bytesize.to_unit('ki') == '976562500000KI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('mi') == '953674316MI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('gi') == '931322GI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('ti') == '909TI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('pi') == '0PI'
    assert bytesize.to_unit('ei') == '0EI'

    assert bytesize.to_unit() == '1000000000000000'  # no unit
    assert bytesize.to_unit('K') == '1000000000000K'  # uppercase unit

def test_bytesize_to_unit_as_str(bytesize):
    assert bytesize.to_unit('k', as_string=False) == 1000000000000  # not to_string

def test_bytesize_to_unit_invalid(bytesize):
    with pytest.raises(KeyError):

Run the tests to verify they pass.

Parametrization of test functions

Finally, our test_bytesize_to_unit test has a lot of assert statements of the same form. We can do better! Let’s use pytest’s test parametrization feature (see https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/parametrize.html) to eliminate this redundancy. Again, as with the fixture example, this particular case would be fine without this feature. However, sometime you want to run the same test function on hundreds of different input combinations, in which case this feature is invaluable (e.g. Galaxy’s tool tests, or integration tests for configuration settings).

Example of parametrizing a test. Replace the previous version of test_bytesize_to_unit with the following. Note that the test function takes 2 additional arguments.

    "unit, expected_value",
        ('k', '1000000000000K'),
        ('m', '1000000000M'),
        ('g', '1000000G'),
        ('t', '1000T'),
        ('p', '1P'),
        ('e', '0E'),
        ('ki', '976562500000KI'),
        ('mi', '953674316MI'),
        ('gi', '931322GI'),
        ('ti', '909TI'),
        ('pi', '0PI'),
        ('ei', '0EI'),
        (None, '1000000000000000'),
        ('K', '1000000000000K'),
def test_bytesize_to_unit(unit, expected_value, bytesize):
    assert bytesize.to_unit(unit) == expected_value

Run the tests to verify they pass.

Dealing with less trivial code

So far we’ve been dealing with simple clean functions that had no external dependencies. However, quite often you will encounter lengthy blocks of code implementing nontrivial logic, that depend on objects that would be hard to instantiate in the context of a test. There are many excellent resources on this topic (the book Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers is but one example). In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate a few basic approaches to handling such cases.

Your target module for the following exercises is lib/galaxy/security/validate_user_input.py. The unit tests for this module are located at test/unit/data/security/test_validate_user_input.py. You will be adding your code to this testing module.

If you look at the tests for this module, you’ll note that most of its functionality is directly or indirectly covered by tests. However, the validate_email function does not have tests - and that’s a shame for, despite being relatively small, it contains logic that is not immediately obvious (consider how the function behaves under different combinations of the allowlist and blocklist). That’s the function we’ll be testing.

The validate_email function is not fun to test. It depends on a Transaction and User objects - one does not simply walk into Mordor instantiate those in the context of a unit test. It has multiple paths of execution, to determine which it accesses the GalaxyApplication object (which is a reference to a running instance of Galaxy) to access configuration values, the User object to check the value of its email attribute, and in addition to all that, of course, it calls the database. None of these dependencies require testing, at least not in the context of a unit test. However, we do want to verify the function’s core logic: the cases when no validation is required, when the provided email already exists, and the different combinations of the allowlist and blocklist.

Mocking a dependency

First, let’s test the case when the function returns early - when the email argument is the empty string or when its value is the same as the value of the email attribute of the provided User object. The first case is trivial, but the next one requires a User object. However, if we think about it, we only care about that user having a given string as its email attribute. So let’s use a “test double” - a stand-in empty object, and give it an email attribute. We’ll call it MockUser (strictly speaking, it’s a stub, and “mocks aren’t stubs”, but we’ll follow the naming convention often used in Galaxy). We can pass None as the transaction object in both cases.

Example of replacing an object with a test double:

from galaxy.security.validate_user_input import (
    validate_email,  # we've added this import

class MockUser:

def test_email_is_empty():
    assert validate_email(None, "", allow_empty=True) == ""

def test_email_is_user_email():
    my_email = "foo"
    my_user = MockUser()
    my_user.email = my_email
    assert validate_email(None, my_email, user=my_user) == ""

Now run the tests for this module:

Input: Bash
pytest test/unit/data/security/test_validate_user_input.py
Warning: Warning

As a word of caution, mocking (or any kind of patching to accommodate testing) may lead to brittle tests: by relying too much on how the logic is implemented, we’ll be forced to adjust the test each time that implementation changes. It’s a tradeoff between having narrowly-scoped tests that will point to the exact location of the problem but may lock the code under test into a given state, and higher-level integration-type tests that test the end result without “looking under the hood”, but may be less helpful when pinpointing the exact cause of a failed test. So, use sparingly and keep it simple.

Refactoring for testability

Next, we’d like to test the case when the provided email already exists, or doesn’t exist. To determine the existence of an email the function calls the database - we don’t want to do that. Instead, we can simulate both conditions, like we simulated the user email in the previous exercise.

For this, we need to factor out the code that calls the database into its own function - then we can override that function for our test. So let’s modify lib/galaxy/security/validate_user_input.py.

Factoring out the database call.

Old version:

def validate_email(trans, email, user=None, check_dup=True, allow_empty=False, validate_domain=False):
    Validates the email format, also checks whether the domain is blocklisted in the disposable domains configuration.
    if (user and user.email == email) or (email == "" and allow_empty):
        return ""
    message = validate_email_str(email)
    if not message and validate_domain:
        domain = extract_domain(email)
        message = validate_domain_resolves(domain)

    # Code to be refactored
    if (
        not message
        and check_dup
        and trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User)
        .filter(func.lower(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email) == email.lower())
        message = f"User with email '{email}' already exists."

    if not message:
        # If the allowlist is not empty filter out any domain not in the list and ignore blocklist.
        if trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email)
            if domain not in trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content:
                message = "Please enter an allowed domain email address for this server."
        # If the blocklist is not empty filter out the disposable domains.
        elif trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email, base_only=True)
            if domain in trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content:
                message = "Please enter your permanent email address."

    return message

Refactored version:

def check_for_existing_email(trans, email):
    user_record = (trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.User)
        .filter(func.lower(trans.app.model.User.table.c.email) == email.lower())
    return bool(user_record)

def validate_email(trans, email, user=None, check_dup=True, allow_empty=False, validate_domain=False):
    Validates the email format, also checks whether the domain is blocklisted in the disposable domains configuration.
    if (user and user.email == email) or (email == "" and allow_empty):
        return ""
    message = validate_email_str(email)
    if not message and validate_domain:
        domain = extract_domain(email)
        message = validate_domain_resolves(domain)

    # Refactored code
    if not message and check_dup and check_for_existing_email(trans, email):
        message = f"User with email '{email}' already exists."

    if not message:
        # If the allowlist is not empty filter out any domain not in the list and ignore blocklist.
        if trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email)
            if domain not in trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content:
                message = "Please enter an allowed domain email address for this server."
        # If the blocklist is not empty filter out the disposable domains.
        elif trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email, base_only=True)
            if domain in trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content:
                message = "Please enter your permanent email address."

    return message

“Monkeypatching” the module under test

Now we can use pytest’s “monkeypatch” built-in fixture to replace that function with a stub method and then use it to return True or False to test both cases. (see https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/how-to/monkeypatch.html?highlight=monkeypatch for more details).

Monkeypatching the factored out function. Note the added import.

from galaxy.security import validate_user_input

# [code omitted]

def test_check_for_existing_email(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: True)
    result = validate_email(None, "duplicate_email@example.com")
    assert "exists" in result

    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)
    result = validate_email(None, "unique_email@example.com")
    assert result == ""

More refactoring

Run the tests to verify they pass after our latest modifications. But one test fails! The problem is that our validation function is not yet ready for testing: it still relies on the transaction object to access the running instance of Galaxy to retrieve 2 configuration settings: email_domain_allowlist_content and email_domain_blocklist_content.

How would you fix this problem?

Factor out the logic for obtaining both lists:

  1. Create 2 functions that take a transaction object as an argument and return the lists.
  2. Call the functions from the validate_email function’s body, assigning the results to local variables.
  3. Replace all calls to trans.app.config.[the list] with the variables you’ve just assigned.
def get_email_domain_allowlist_content(trans):
    return trans.app.config.email_domain_allowlist_content

def get_email_domain_blocklist_content(trans):
    return trans.app.config.email_domain_blocklist_content

def validate_email(trans, email, user=None, check_dup=True, allow_empty=False, validate_domain=False):
    Validates the email format, also checks whether the domain is blocklisted in the disposable domains configuration.
    if (user and user.email == email) or (email == "" and allow_empty):
        return ""
    message = validate_email_str(email)
    if not message and validate_domain:
        domain = extract_domain(email)
        message = validate_domain_resolves(domain)

    if not message and check_dup and check_for_existing_email(trans, email):
        message = f"User with email '{email}' already exists."

    email_domain_allowlist_content = get_email_domain_allowlist_content(trans)
    email_domain_blocklist_content = get_email_domain_blocklist_content(trans)

    if not message:
        # If the allowlist is not empty filter out any domain not in the list and ignore blocklist.
        if email_domain_allowlist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email)
            if domain not in email_domain_allowlist_content:
                message = "Please enter an allowed domain email address for this server."
        # If the blocklist is not empty filter out the disposable domains.
        elif email_domain_blocklist_content is not None:
            domain = extract_domain(email, base_only=True)
            if domain in email_domain_blocklist_content:
                message = "Please enter your permanent email address."

    return message

More “monkeypatching”

Run the tests. They still fail. That’s because we haven’t replaced the new functions with a mock for our test. Try to do that - it’s the same approach as we used for monkeypatching the check_for_existing_email function. Note that both lists should be None to be ignored.

Monkeypatch the email lists: return None for both, then override as needed:

def test_check_for_existing_email(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: None)
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: None)

    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: True)
    result = validate_email(None, "duplicate_email@example.com")
    assert "exists" in result

    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)
    result = validate_email(None, "unique_email@example.com")
    assert result == ""

Run the tests - they should pass now.

Utilizing the mocks to test the logic

Now that our tests pass, it’s time to test the last bit of logic: the allowlist and the blocklist. Our first step is to add a simple test to verify that if the allow-list is not empty, only emails with allowed domain names will be validated.

First take on testing the allowlist.

def test_validate_email_allowlist_not_empty(monkeypatch):
    allowlist = ['good_domain.com']
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: None)
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)

    assert validate_email(None, "email@good_domain.com") == ""
    assert "enter an allowed domain" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")

Run the tests to verify we haven’t broken anything.

However, again, we are getting a lot of duplication from our monkeypatching code, and there are more tests to come. Time to move some of it into fixtures; leave only the code that is specific to the test.

Factor out all common monkeypatching into fixtures. Note the pytest import.

import pytest

# [code omitted]

def patch_allowlist(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: None)

def patch_blocklist(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: None)

def patch_check_existing(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)

def test_email_is_empty():
    assert validate_email(None, "", allow_empty=True) == ""

def test_email_is_user_email():
    my_email = "foo"
    my_user = MockUser()
    my_user.email = my_email
    assert validate_email(None, my_email, user=my_user) == ""

def test_check_for_existing_email(patch_allowlist, patch_blocklist, monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: True)
    result = validate_email(None, "duplicate_email@example.com")
    assert "exists" in result

    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)
    result = validate_email(None, "unique_email@example.com")
    assert result == ""

def test_validate_email_allowlist_not_empty(monkeypatch, patch_check_existing, patch_blocklist):
    allowlist = ['good_domain.com']
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)

    assert validate_email(None, "email@good_domain.com") == ""
    assert "enter an allowed domain" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")

Again, run the tests to verify we haven’t broken anything.

Reformatting for improved readability

Before we add more tests, let’s reformat our code to group all the tests that target the validate_email function in one class. Keep in mind that each test gets its own instance of the class - so you cannot share instance state across tests. However, grouping related tests makes the testing module easier to navigate (there are more benefits; see https://docs.pytest.org/en/7.1.x/getting-started.html#group-multiple-tests-in-a-class).

Group related tests in one class. Note that you need to add self as the first argument to each test function. You also need to add self to the call to MockUser(). Leave the fixtures outside the class body, so that they can be reused by other test code.

class TestValidateEmail:

    class MockUser:
    def test_email_is_empty(self):
        assert validate_email(None, "", allow_empty=True) == ""
    def test_email_is_user_email(self):
        my_email = "foo"
        my_user = self.MockUser()
        my_user.email = my_email
        assert validate_email(None, my_email, user=my_user) == ""
    def test_check_for_existing_email(self, patch_allowlist, patch_blocklist, monkeypatch):
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: True)
        result = validate_email(None, "duplicate_email@example.com")
        assert "exists" in result
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)
        result = validate_email(None, "unique_email@example.com")
        assert result == ""
    def test_validate_email_allowlist_not_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_check_existing, patch_blocklist):
        allowlist = ['good_domain.com']
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)
        assert validate_email(None, "email@good_domain.com") == ""
        assert "enter an allowed domain" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")

Again, run the tests to verify we haven’t broken anything.

Adding the remaining tests

Now we have all the infrastructure in place. We need to add 2 more tests. First, you may notice that if the allowlist is not empty, the blocklist is ignored. Let’s write a test to verify this.

Testing ignoring the blocklist.

def test_ignore_blocklist_if_allowlist_not_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_check_existing):
    allowlist = ['my_domain.com']
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)

    # but add that domain to blocklist too!
    blocklist = ['my_domain.com']
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: blocklist)

    assert validate_email(None, "email@my_domain.com") == ""  # we expect blocklist to be ignored

Run the tests - they should pass.

Finally, let’s test the blocklist.

Testing the blocklist.

def test_blocklist_when_allowlist_is_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_allowlist, patch_check_existing):
    blocklist = ['bad_domain.com']
    monkeypatch.setattr(validation_module, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: blocklist)
    assert "enter your permanent email" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")

Run the tests one last time - they should pass.

And we are done! Here’s the final version of the code we’ve added to this testing module.

Final code listing (excluding the 2 added imports).

def patch_allowlist(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: None)

def patch_blocklist(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: None)

def patch_check_existing(monkeypatch):
    monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)

class TestValidateEmail:

    class MockUser:
    def test_email_is_empty(self):
        assert validate_email(None, "", allow_empty=True) == ""
    def test_email_is_user_email(self):
        my_email = "foo"
        my_user = self.MockUser()
        my_user.email = my_email
        assert validate_email(None, my_email, user=my_user) == ""
    def test_check_for_existing_email(self, patch_allowlist, patch_blocklist, monkeypatch):
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: True)
        result = validate_email(None, "duplicate_email@example.com")
        assert "exists" in result
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "check_for_existing_email", lambda a, b: False)
        result = validate_email(None, "unique_email@example.com")
        assert result == ""
    def test_validate_email_allowlist_not_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_check_existing, patch_blocklist):
        allowlist = ['good_domain.com']
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)
        assert validate_email(None, "email@good_domain.com") == ""
        assert "enter an allowed domain" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")

    def test_ignore_blocklist_if_allowlist_not_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_check_existing):
        allowlist = ['my_domain.com']
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_allowlist_content", lambda a: allowlist)

        # but add that domain to blocklist too!
        blocklist = ['my_domain.com']
        monkeypatch.setattr(validate_user_input, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: blocklist)

        assert validate_email(None, "email@my_domain.com") == ""  # we expect blocklist to be ignored

    def test_blocklist_when_allowlist_is_empty(self, monkeypatch, patch_allowlist, patch_check_existing):
        blocklist = ['bad_domain.com']
        monkeypatch.setattr(validation_module, "get_email_domain_blocklist_content", lambda a: blocklist)
        assert "enter your permanent email" in validate_email(None, "email@bad_domain.com")
Key points
  • Read the Writing Tests for Galaxy documentation article

  • Check for existing examples of similar tests before implementing your own

  • Prefer Galaxy’s abstractions to writing low level code whenever possible

  • Write tests that do not depend on each other or the state of the database

  • When testing the API, verify the return status code before checking the response data

  • Refactor the code under test if that’s needed to make it testable

  • Move redundant setup code into fixtures

  • Use test doubles (mocks, stubs, etc.) sparingly

Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about this tutorial? Check out the FAQ page for the Development in Galaxy topic to see if your question is listed there. If not, please ask your question on the GTN Gitter Channel or the Galaxy Help Forum


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Citing this Tutorial

  1. John Davis, John Chilton, 2022 Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy (Galaxy Training Materials). https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/dev/tutorials/writing_tests/tutorial.html Online; accessed TODAY
  2. Batut et al., 2018 Community-Driven Data Analysis Training for Biology Cell Systems 10.1016/j.cels.2018.05.012

author = "John Davis and John Chilton",
title = "Writing Automated Tests for Galaxy (Galaxy Training Materials)",
year = "2022",
month = "09",
day = "28"
url = "\url{https://training.galaxyproject.org/training-material/topics/dev/tutorials/writing_tests/tutorial.html}",
note = "[Online; accessed TODAY]"
    doi = {10.1016/j.cels.2018.05.012},
    url = {https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.cels.2018.05.012},
    year = 2018,
    month = {jun},
    publisher = {Elsevier {BV}},
    volume = {6},
    number = {6},
    pages = {752--758.e1},
    author = {B{\'{e}}r{\'{e}}nice Batut and Saskia Hiltemann and Andrea Bagnacani and Dannon Baker and Vivek Bhardwaj and Clemens Blank and Anthony Bretaudeau and Loraine Brillet-Gu{\'{e}}guen and Martin {\v{C}}ech and John Chilton and Dave Clements and Olivia Doppelt-Azeroual and Anika Erxleben and Mallory Ann Freeberg and Simon Gladman and Youri Hoogstrate and Hans-Rudolf Hotz and Torsten Houwaart and Pratik Jagtap and Delphine Larivi{\`{e}}re and Gildas Le Corguill{\'{e}} and Thomas Manke and Fabien Mareuil and Fidel Ram{\'{\i}}rez and Devon Ryan and Florian Christoph Sigloch and Nicola Soranzo and Joachim Wolff and Pavankumar Videm and Markus Wolfien and Aisanjiang Wubuli and Dilmurat Yusuf and James Taylor and Rolf Backofen and Anton Nekrutenko and Björn Grüning},
    title = {Community-Driven Data Analysis Training for Biology},
    journal = {Cell Systems}

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