Roasted Chickpea Salad
Dressing option 1
Dressing option 2
- Drain the chickpeas and place in an oven dish
- Cover in spices
- Roast in the oven at 180C for about 20 minutes
- Chop and mix the salad ingredients
- Mix together dressing ingredients
- Put it all in a bowl and serve
Super tasty and easy, great for lunch
Any spices will do, we like baharat spice mix from Jonnie Boer,
Just chuck it in the oven
Add whatever salad ingredients you have. It’s already tasty without dressing.
Baharat mix is: paprika, korianderzaad, zwarte peper, kaneel, komijnzaad, kardemom, ui, knoflook, nootmuskaat, kruidnagel, cayennepeper. Bevat geen toegevoegd zout.