Winter Baked Brie & Caramelised Veggie Pie
This meal was inspired by this recipe.
This one was a fair amount of work but in the end not too bad.
- Caramelize the onions, cook the mushrooms down with some garlic. These can sit in a bowl together, and toss with the soy sauce when done.
- Cube the squash (small, ~1cm) and pan fry it until soft
- wilt the andijven, mix with chopped beet (~0.5cm cubes) + rozemarijn + thyme (if you rememebr it)
Blind bake the bottom half of the puff pastry. 6 were used in our case and stuck a bit outside of the pan providing edges.
Once done blind baking, assemble, add squash on the bottom, andijven + beet, onions and mushrooms, and then add slices of brie to cover the top. Cover with the remaining puff pastry. Egg wash with the beaten egg, and then bung it in the oven.
Bake for a long while until done, probably 20-30 minutes.
Based on an NYT Cooking recipe, it turned out quite well! We added biets because when I saw it originally on tiktok I mis-took the Caramelised onions for beets. So in the end we kept both, it was a nice addition.