Helena's Ramen Recipe

  • 2 people
  • 5 minutes
  • 25 minutes
  • Helena
  • Vegan






Put the water on high heat, want a roiling boil, you can chuck the ramen noodles + spice packet in now, too.

Put a pan on medium-high heat, and add the miso paste, let it heat a little until it’s slightly more pliable, before adding the kokosmelk, it probably starts bubbling immediately. Focus on this and stir with your pannenlicker to combine, make sure it’s a homogeneous sauce. Add the chili flakes. Add your vegetables. Stir occasionally until they soften, then turn to low heat.

At this point check the noodles, they should not be translucent yet, but they should be half-translucent and the water should be at a roiling boil.

Hard mode (only if doing eggs):

  • You really have to use your judgement here, but if you reckon they’ll be done in ~2 minutes, you can lower the heat until it’s sub-boiling, and crack two eggs in.
  • Raise the temp until just boiling.
  • use your chopsticks to push the eggs around occasionally so you can see them.
  • They will not be done yet
  • When they are still not done, turn off the heat completely, and start spooning noodles into two bowls
  • You’re relying on the residual heat of the water to finish cooking the outside of the eggs.

Easy mode (either way):

  • wait for noodles to be more translucent (indicating cookedness)
  • split into two bowls
  • (optional if egg) add egg, cook. The thinner water layer + less obstruction is easier to deal with and you get weirdly sunny side up style eggs.

Building the Bowl:

  • Add noodles on bottom
  • Add the veggies from your pan.
  • Carefully add the eggs
  • pour remaining liquid over both bowls (at the edge, not over the egg.)
  • Cover with furikake / seasme seeds / a few drops of chili oil.
  • Add blocks of soft tofu if doing that.


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