Mexican Bowl

  • 4 people
  • 15 minutes
  • 10 minutes
  • Helkia
  • Salad



  1. Put 4 tbsp oil in a pan and cook the potato cubes on medium, dusting them with a layer of cajun spices. Turn them regularly to prevent burning, and place in bowl when done.
  2. Slice the avocados, 1/2 of each avocado will be used per portion. Slices or chunks, whatever is preferrable, people will usually stir to mix the bowl afterwards so consider cubing the avo if it isn’t ripe enough. Place in bowl
  3. Cut the spinach into smaller strips and place in bowl.
  4. Finely chop the koriander and mix with the corn and black beans in a strainer. Rinse them and mix them together. Place in bowl
  5. Chop tomatoes and distribute evenly into bowls.
  6. Cook the eggs over easy and place atop each bowl
  7. Dressing: Mix Griekse yoghurt, lime, apple cider vinegar, cilantro and blend thoroughly. Add salt to taste.


Based off of a superlekker Appie recipe

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